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Refer and Be Rewarded

“Take it from me…

We know that switching to a new EHR software is not a decision taken lightly. So, that is why we love referrals and we want to reward you for your support. For every practice that you refer to us, we will give you $500 for each provider in that practice. That’s right, $500 each!

Refer Now
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“What do I need to do?”

Making a referral to Foxfire is as easy as sending an email. Just send us an email introducing us to your friend or colleague and we will take it from there. All we ask is that you let them know what it’s like to be part of the Foxfire Family.

Refer Now
Hand shake ecp
Nobody should be without Foxfire

3 Ways to Refer to Us:

email usFF

Email and include your friend in the email making the introduction. We will do the rest!

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call usFF
Have your friend call us and let us know how they heard about us. We will do the rest!

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click hereFF

Give us your info and your friends info. We will do the rest!

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51 years foxfire
Rest easy knowing you can let Foxfire take care of your practice so you can manage your patients.
Foxfire. Clever Technology.